Over on Daring Cardmakers , the designers asked us to adorn our work this week with Tags, Toppers and Labels. Christmas tags are some of my favorite things to make during the holidays, but rather than just make a bunch of tags, I decided to turn those tags into cards. So here were the two cards I ended up making: I used a basic three square sketch that is quite popular and staggered the tags with 3D dot adhesives for a little dimension. And here's the second card I made: In the same sketch pad I used to made the tag cards, I also made these next cards. They're unrelated to the challenge, but I figured they were worth the post nevertheless. First up, a little vintage Santa: And then a Merry Home card: Anyway, if you like what you see, be sure to hit the SUBSCRIBE button at the top to see new posts. And be sure to follow me on Instagram @DannysCards For various Christmas Cards, check out the following posts: Inkspirational Challenge #228: Snow Cards Festive Friday Challenge 007...